It was a joy to imagine these illustrations for children and bring Jup into the real world. To make it so adorable that children would want to pet the page.
Meet JUP, a curious and funny kitten whose favorite food in the whole kitty world is pudding. And who would do anything for it. It’s an entire collection for children, of which I illustrated the first two books, written by Alec Blenche, published at Univers Publishing House.
I used bright and vivid colors to create a memorable world where anything can happen for Jup and his friends. Where he encounters the same challenges as we do in real life. The anthropomorphic characters always help him distinguish right from wrong, white from black, pudding from…any dessert.
I didn’t only illustrate what the author wrote. I complemented Alec’s words with a visual story, embellished with details that would make the characters memorable and lovable. I love it when children discover in illustrations hidden gems or parallel stories that unfold page by page.